Sept. 13-17
Student council openings & Recipes for Success leadership training for HS--
see Ms. Burger
Grades 6-12 nwea testing Tuesday & Thursday
Golf Clinic at Big Fish Friday for middle school after school
Grades 6-12 NWEA testing Tuesday & Thursday
Mon: MS Girls Basketball vs Washburn at LCO 4:45
HS Girls’ Volleyball vs Washburn at LCO 7:00
Tues: NWEA Testing for grades 6-12
Cross Country at Rice Lake 4:00
MS Girls’ Basketball at Butternut 5:30
MS Football vs Cameron at Hayward 5:00
Wed: Mrs. Fuller’s Earth Science class GIS class to St. Peter's Dom
Thurs: MS/HS CC Meet at Mercer 4:00
MS Girls’ Basketball vs Bayfield at LCO 5:45
Fri: Football at Merrill 7:00
Golf Clinic for Middle School at Big Fish 12:30-2:30
Staff pd on Friday-Data dig & first aid recertification*
Mon: Chicken Pattie,French Fries,Baked Beans,Fruit,Milk
Tues: Mini Waffles, Fruit, Milk
Hamburger Gravy and Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Bread ,Fruit, Milk
Wed: Cereal Bar, Fruit , Milk
Cook’s Choice
Thurs: Cereal, Fruit, Milk
Pizza, Salad, Fruit, Milk
Fri: Yogurt, Banana, Milk
Chili Mac, Carrots, Fruit, Bread